I had dinner last night with a niece, newly graduated from college with a degree in Nursing, her boyfriend, and his sister. I'm about 25 years older than them, but I have such a delightful time when included in their fun! The girls and I met at a nail salon. In our area, there's one on every corner of a main block, it seems. We got
mani's, I got a
pedi (old feet NEED them) and the boyfriend watched amused. They graciously accompanied me on a brief 2 block walk to drop in on a great nephew, the 5 year old....who wanted us to visit for a minute so he could tell us about his day at school. Conversation never lagged during dinner, and when we were about to go, I asked for directions to the new
Walmart that had been built about 5 towns away. (Yep, it's the ONLY one in the County). We're not deprived, we have every other store/mall imaginable. Just not a
Walmart. Well, I have been cooking up a storm lately, and wishing I had some basic tools I see in magazines, other peoples blogs, etc. I bravely whipped out a credit card and took the leap into the 21st Century of Cooking. I bought a stand mixer (with

the dough hooks) AND a food processor. Yep, I didn't go nuts and get the Kitchen Aid I lust after every time Pioneer Woman posts a pic on her blog, but I'm happy with the Sunbeam. and I

did get both for under $150, so I won't be going into debt (grin).
I promised to make a few cakes for a Church supper tomorrow night, so I am raring to open the boxes and get mixing! I just wanted to take a few minutes and catch up here first.
What's your favorite kitchen 'toy' and what do you make with it? MC
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