I hereby nominate myself for the bad blogger award.... I haven't posted in months. It got away from me, and time has been filled with just the best stuff. Life is good (so far) was started because the winds of change were blowing, and I wasn't sure where I was heading, but I knew a change was coming, needed, desired, recommended and every other Thesaurus type word you could think of. I wasn't sure what was happening, but I felt it in my core... that something was going to go on. Odd, yep, I admit it.... the Irish have a word, someone is 'fey', meaning they have an inkling, a sight, a premonition. I felt fey. I've only shared that connection, I don't know, ?feyness, with one other person... we could ALWAYS tell when something was happening with each other, when something went on the phone was bound to ring in a day or two.... and there she would be, or I would be, saying, "I couldn't get you out of my head". Even at thousands of miles, we'd do this. My friend died last year, in September, and I miss our connection. I had no one to share this feeling with, to help me sort it out, and make sense of it.... so I blogged. Now, it's in place, I have perspective, and I still want to blog about it... Elaine! Geez, I miss you!
The changes I needed to make were simple. I had become stagnant. I wasn't progressing, trying new things. The things I loved, even hobbies, had fallen by the wayside. I made little changes, like buying the new camera, getting excited about clothes shopping again, just little stuff. Then the BIG changes came. I applied to graduate school for a doctorate in July, and heard that I was accepted on Veterans Day. I started orientation this week. I'll be working full time days, and these classes meet one Friday, Sat and Sunday a month, plus lots of online work. I'm learning new computer skills to keep up with classes, like using EndNotes, and remote Boolian searches, etc. It's exciting and terrifying!
I know I posted a bit about my online dating experiences, and how it took me forver to actually fill out the questions, and post, and get courageous enough to try. Well, after a few amusing but hardly romantic dates, I met a great guy. I don't know if he's my 'forever' guy, but he's sweet and kind and hard working. He says he understands about the time committments for school, and he's willing to work around it, so we seem well suited. The last few months seem to revolve around the weekends we can spend together, and I hope he's as happy with me as I am with him. He says he is, and he is SO much better at communicating the emotional stuff than I am. I think on an EQ scale of 1-10, he's an 8 and I'm a 4. Oh well, I'm working on it!
So, I know I deserve the bad blogger award for lack of posts, and I will improve. This is a great outlet for me, and I think I'll need it more and more as school progresses. Be patient, read me, leave a comment or PM me, and look for an update post this weekend, as it is my 'surgiversary'.
Hurrah for change!!!!!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Dancing with a Star!

Saturday night I went to a baseball game. It's a farm league, and they do all the small town stuff between innings. I realized (after a few minutes) I had been boogeying while on line waiting for my popcorn. The music had snuck into my subconscious.... and I swayed, and snapped my fingers, and moved a little while waiting. I laughed at myself, and didn't think much of it.
After the game, we stopped for a drink, and the radio at the bar had some old songs I recognized. Are you old enough to remember Squeeze? I heard Pulling Mussels from a Shell, and my toes went a tappin'. Then, Come Dancin' by the Kinks. Fueled by two rum and diet cokes (with extra lime), I really had a hard time staying on my seat... (This was NOT a bar with dancing!).
Last night, Sunday, I was trying to get a lot of cooking done, so I can just grab and go during the week. I was making my version of the McDonalds sausage burritos, with low carb tortillas and extra meat and veggies, and the TV was playing in the other room. I started dancing like a fool to Born to Run.... even after I realized it was Jimmy Fallon on the TV Emmy show and not MY Bruce!
I hadn't realized how much I missed dancing, the movement, the rhythms... I was never a good dancer, but I liked it. We used to go out to NYC to the after hour places in Washington Heights in the early '80's, and oh, I loved the music and the guys. Spanish guys were the best dancers there, even the older guys.... and the guys we knew or went with weren't! A friend of ours brother owned a gay bar in NY, and he would let us go there and drink for free. The guys there were all into the music, and grooming, and had style. I knew I was never going to meet anyone there, but the dancing was great! These were some great memories.
At over 400 pounds, dancing was just not an option anymore. I hadn't remembered how much I used to enjoy it, or that I could participate again. Thanks Weight Loss!!!! Another benefit I didn't plan on!
living room dance off
Monday, August 23, 2010
Mad for Plaid
It may be the cool weather today, it may be the 13 years of private school with plaid uniforms, it may be the Back to School influences, it may be that it was just so damn CUTE, and I DO NOT usually go with 'cute' clothes, but I bought a skirt set today. I was wandering through the store, looking for the Kitchen department, as I needed a new crock pot (be still my beating heart). Yes, my life is that exciting.... and I saw a rack of pleated plaid skirts... not the short, mini type things, but an adult woman skirt, knee length, with the tops of the pleats sewn flat, so no gaping, and the nicest grey tweed material. One rack over were the matching jackets, pants, and then!!! ta-dah, a vest. I haven't owned a suit vest in 20 years. I had to have it. The prices were great, and the designer seems to understand my body! It was a Norma Kamali. I'm not familar with her lines, but I'll be looking for her label now. 
Imagine a long sleeve, button down pale blue collared shirt, under the buttoned and smoothed vest. Now, add the pleated skirt! I'm short, so it definitely hits right at the knee.

Now, add sheer black stockings and the great boots of last week! WOW! I think I'm so into buying clothes off the rack that fit because I never could before. It's exciting, and when I find them on sale, and 'for cheap', it's a double thrill!
Now, if I could just find a guy worthy of this soon to be fall outfit!

Imagine a long sleeve, button down pale blue collared shirt, under the buttoned and smoothed vest. Now, add the pleated skirt! I'm short, so it definitely hits right at the knee.

Now, add sheer black stockings and the great boots of last week! WOW! I think I'm so into buying clothes off the rack that fit because I never could before. It's exciting, and when I find them on sale, and 'for cheap', it's a double thrill!
Now, if I could just find a guy worthy of this soon to be fall outfit!
Norma Kamali,
shopping after weight loss,
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I KNOW everyone has had boots for years and years, but I haven't. Up until the big weight loss, I couldn't find a pair of boots that fit over my calfs and ankles without hurting. Of course, now there's more styles, more choices.... and I found these!!!! They were at the Avenue, always a good choice for big footed women! They're slouchy, and soft inside, with adjustable straps. I can't wait for fall, to pair them with black trousers, or some tights under a skirt! Yay boots, yay weight loss, yay Shopping! MC
summer end,
Ugg boots,
Weight loss
Thursday, August 5, 2010
More Possibilities

I KNOW this blog isn't about dating, it's recurrent theme is change. (Can change BE a recurrent theme? or would it have to be different in order to be change, oh well, nevermind) BUT I broke through, and I messaged a guy first. I saw some one's profile, was taken with his smile, and things he wrote about laughter.... (and the fact he's really tall) and I wrote to him. Now, for those out here a little younger, a little more worldly, this is no big deal. For me, it was amazing. He'll never know he was my 'first' , but I'll always get a chuckle out of it. He wrote back, and we're only at the third email, still barely knowing each other, so who knows where it might end.... but I made another change! This is getting exciting!
I had slacked off from going to the gym, but got back on track two weeks ago, and lost about 4 pounds so far. I'm still within my 'window' of acceptable ups and downs on the weight, so I hadn't been worried, but it felt great to be back close to my lowest ever adult weight. I figure, another 4 pounds, and I'll be there. Of course, with all the gym work, I'm more conscious of whats been going in my mouth, so it's been good nutrition wise. This duodenal switch surgery makes things so controllable. I don't think at my highest weight, I would have been comfortable enough to initiate an online dating scenario. I feel more 'mainstream' now, like my size isn't something someone has to be accepting of, in order to date me. My size is just one of a long list of characteristics that make up me, not the defining one by any means. Thanks DS.
I've written about my town several times. Tonight was 'dancing on the Lane'. Every Thursday in August, after the farmers market, a pedestrian street is closed off, and a dance instructor comes, and people come out to hang together, and maybe even learn a few steps. Tonight we Hustled! Upcoming ones include swing, tango, and salsa/mambo! It's silly, fun and gets people out and onto the main street. It helps the local businesses, because a lot of us come right after work, walk the farmers market, and go to one of the restaurants on the main street for dinner.... then go dancing! What does your town do to encourage community bonding?
I had slacked off from going to the gym, but got back on track two weeks ago, and lost about 4 pounds so far. I'm still within my 'window' of acceptable ups and downs on the weight, so I hadn't been worried, but it felt great to be back close to my lowest ever adult weight. I figure, another 4 pounds, and I'll be there. Of course, with all the gym work, I'm more conscious of whats been going in my mouth, so it's been good nutrition wise. This duodenal switch surgery makes things so controllable. I don't think at my highest weight, I would have been comfortable enough to initiate an online dating scenario. I feel more 'mainstream' now, like my size isn't something someone has to be accepting of, in order to date me. My size is just one of a long list of characteristics that make up me, not the defining one by any means. Thanks DS.
I've written about my town several times. Tonight was 'dancing on the Lane'. Every Thursday in August, after the farmers market, a pedestrian street is closed off, and a dance instructor comes, and people come out to hang together, and maybe even learn a few steps. Tonight we Hustled! Upcoming ones include swing, tango, and salsa/mambo! It's silly, fun and gets people out and onto the main street. It helps the local businesses, because a lot of us come right after work, walk the farmers market, and go to one of the restaurants on the main street for dinner.... then go dancing! What does your town do to encourage community bonding?
duodenal switch,
internet dating,
towns farmers markets
Saturday, July 3, 2010
A Day in NYC

Be open to new possibilities!
I've been hearing that for ever, and decided that it could be a way to make some positive changes. I've been really trying. It's just not my best skill set. BUT
Today, I went to NYC to see the Picasso exhibit out the Metropolitan Museum. It was wonderful, and I saw such a side of his work, one's that I had never seen before. I went up to the rooftop garden for an iced tea, and saw Central Park beneath me, so green and vibrant. I changed my plans, and walked through Central Park, passing the Dellacourt theatre where they do Shakespeare in the Park, past the Boathouse and the Castle and Turtle Pond, and the Bethesda fountain, the lovely one thats in every movie about NY, (or so it seems), and into the ZOO! I got to see the Polar Bears and the penguins and sit in the sun... It was a wonderful day.
By the way, that internet dating thing I've been trying? Yep, today's guy knew everything about the Park and the city....wwaaayyyy cool! So,
what new possiblities have you been open to? and how did it work out for you? MC
Friday, June 18, 2010
What makes you happy?
OK, I admit, sometimes it the $$$ and the things it allows, like my recent 2 week trip to Italy. Yep, I'm there and back already! I had a wonderful time... and there's plenty to tell, enough for several blogs! BUT, today, I was list making. The usual, things I need to accomplishing this summer... talking to contractors about a renovation, updating my will, etc, etc. I digressed into a What makes me happy list. It's pretty funny, because some of the things on it are so silly...but they make me happy. Here's the list!
Colored Post It Flags for work
Blue fine point pens
Facials at the local beauty school (these kids are soooo intense)
Sharpies of many colors
When some one makes me a mix tape
(I guess they're mix CD's now)
The sayings inside a Perugina chocolate
McDonalds breakfast sausage burritos with mild Picante sauce
Fuzzy warm socks
Earl Grey Tea with Cream and Splenda
C calling me (almost) everyday after pre-school saying "Hewo,
it's your C, Wanna make a plan?"
Scented candles burning for no reason
Maps... old maps, new maps, maps of places I've been
and never been
the Clinique make up Counter
Mani-pedis without a social event coming up
Getting one of my first 3 choices from Netflix
Most of these things are affordable... they're just the little extras that make me happy. I know that happiness isn't based solely on 'things', but...geez, can I help it if they ADD to it? What are some simple things that make you happy?
Colored Post It Flags for work
Blue fine point pens
Facials at the local beauty school (these kids are soooo intense)
Sharpies of many colors
When some one makes me a mix tape
(I guess they're mix CD's now)
The sayings inside a Perugina chocolate
McDonalds breakfast sausage burritos with mild Picante sauce
Fuzzy warm socks
Earl Grey Tea with Cream and Splenda
C calling me (almost) everyday after pre-school saying "Hewo,
it's your C, Wanna make a plan?"
Scented candles burning for no reason
Maps... old maps, new maps, maps of places I've been
and never been
the Clinique make up Counter
Mani-pedis without a social event coming up
Getting one of my first 3 choices from Netflix
Most of these things are affordable... they're just the little extras that make me happy. I know that happiness isn't based solely on 'things', but...geez, can I help it if they ADD to it? What are some simple things that make you happy?
simple things
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
What a BOLD choice!

I have a niece, K. I may have mentioned her once, or a thousand times. She's what I would have liked to be, a decade or three ago. She's brilliant, lovely, sweet, and refined. Yep, in a family of not so refined women, she's a beacon. She seldom loses it, never swears, makes obscene gestures, burps the alphabet, gets 'toasted' in public, etc. While I have worked with former soldiers so long, I can swear like a sailor! and drop the F bomb without really thinking about it. I work on NOT doing this, but I fear, sometimes, it's just so, well, um, appropriate. However, K can always get her point across without using a nasty phrase or cursing. Recently, she has clued me in to turning a phrase so I get to voice my opinion, without becoming base. While, formerly, I would have raised an eyebrow, shot a withering glance, and said to a stupid person, "What the F?", K has found a sweet smile, and the comment "What a Bold choice" will suffice. I've been trying this out for a week, and it's hilarious how many situations it covers. I KNOW the person is being stupid, or an ass, but the "Bold Choice" statement leaves them pondering, Is MC being snarky, or real? haha he he I know, but they must guess.
I'm someone who wears their heart on their sleeve, you almost always know what I'm thinking by reading my face, and poker is definitely not my game. I'm earthy, practical, non-threatening, and about as 'real' as they come...... but, I do admire people who have the ability to leave people guessing, to get their point across without bashing them in the head, and have more refinement than I do.... hmmmm, it's never to late to change, right?
What's your personality profile? How do people see you? Can you improve or do you revert to comfortable patterns? Let me know! MC
(photo of a model, not REALLY my K because I don't have her permission to put a photo in, and she's too correct for me to do that to her without asking! (smile))
Bold choices,
Refined women
Sunday, March 21, 2010
It finally calmed down (a bit)
It's been a long time since the last post. In the past month, there's been a blizzard with piles and piles of icy snow, days of shoveling and trying to keep 'my' parking space clean, followed the next week with a Nor'Easter that knocked out power for 3 1/2 days, (lost everything in the 'fridge, froze my butt off, and was cold and miserable and damp and dark) and then, yesterday, the first day of Spring. It was in the '70's, sunny, warm, and the perfect day for a trip to the Bronx Zoo. I must have walked 10 miles, but managed to keep up with a 5 year old. WOW! What a glorious day, and the perfect way to welcome in Spring.
I had to drive to the state capital last week for meetings. I managed to stop in at the outlet center close by, and grab a new suit and some blouses.

The jacket isn't as shiny as it looks here. It's more of a subtle multi pattern. I like the sleeves being able to be easily folded back. A 3/4 length is more my liking. It's a 3 piece suit, with the shell being really fitted, with a side zipper. It's all lined, and I got the one with the pants. I'm loving the Kasper line, because so much is available in petites, which cuts down on the tailoring costs. It kills me to pay $12 to shorten pants, when I know if I wasn't so always crushed for time, I could do it myself. Oh well, I'd rather not. I wore it to a meeting the next day, and got the usual "Did you do something different to your hair?" questions. Would it KILL folks to just say Geez, you look great today? Oh well.... oh well.
I leave Tuesday morning for a 3 day conference, followed by a visit to a cousin I haven't hung out with in years. She lives right in the path I'll be driving, so we'll manage a evening out and a day together. I'm really looking forward to it.
Tried some new recipes, but nothing terrific. Some average, some not too great. I'm cooking the Pioneer Woman's whiskey steak tonight, so I'll grab a camera and let you know how it goes. I also got two sleeves of garlic at the local farmers market, so when I get back from the conference I'm going to try to roast some garlic....yummy! Oh yeah, as for the Pioneer Woman, did you know her story has been optioned, and a movie with Reese Witherspoon is being discussed. I hope all this fame won't change her too much! I count on her blog for my daily dose of either cooking or photography tips!
Enjoy your week! MC
Pioneer Woman,
Sunday, February 21, 2010
One of Those Weeks
In a previous post, I've written about my faux family, and the various relationships. This week, C, my 'younger' faux brother had a heart attack. He's only 47. It was his week with his kids, they're out of school for break, and we've taken turns being with them, trying to keep them entertained, and not worried. He's in the hospital, recovering, progressing. I'm not as worried about him as I was earlier. He's going to recover, and that's a relief! His girls are doing well, I think. They're in touch by sending texts, video shorts, and connecting directly with him through his phone. Technology is a marvel. They're not allowed to visit. Since the swine flu, H1N1, the hospital has restricted any visitors under 18. They are able to communicate with him constantly, so he's not bored and up-to-date on their daily happenings. Thursday, we got pizza and watched TV and just hung out. Last night they spent with some cousins sleeping over, and today we baked! WE made rainbow cupcakes, from a Disney magazine recipe. Iced and plain brownies. Then, we got creative! We bought a giant container of pretzel rods, melted tollhouse morsels, dipped the pretzels into the chocolate and then rolled them in treats! We rolled them in CocoCrispies, coconut, mini kisses, mini M&M's, mini marshmallows, sprinkles (jimmies), and crushed up Captain Crunch! (Not all at once, but oh my, these were good). We made enough for us to sample, to send a box to the hospital for his visitors and nurses, and to bring 50 or so to a church event tonight. Easy to make, and everyone seemed to enjoy snacking on them !
Plans for tomorrow include breakfast out, and a movie madness day....we'll watch a bunch of videos in a row, I'll write more when life calms down! MC
Plans for tomorrow include breakfast out, and a movie madness day....we'll watch a bunch of videos in a row, I'll write more when life calms down! MC
faux family,
Saturday, February 13, 2010
New Toys....New Toys
I had dinner last night with a niece, newly graduated from college with a degree in Nursing, her boyfriend, and his sister. I'm about 25 years older than them, but I have such a delightful time when included in their fun! The girls and I met at a nail salon. In our area, there's one on every corner of a main block, it seems. We got mani's, I got a pedi (old feet NEED them) and the boyfriend watched amused. They graciously accompanied me on a brief 2 block walk to drop in on a great nephew, the 5 year old....who wanted us to visit for a minute so he could tell us about his day at school. Conversation never lagged during dinner, and when we were about to go, I asked for directions to the new Walmart that had been built about 5 towns away. (Yep, it's the ONLY one in the County). We're not deprived, we have every other store/mall imaginable. Just not a Walmart. Well, I have been cooking up a storm lately, and wishing I had some basic tools I see in magazines, other peoples blogs, etc. I bravely whipped out a credit card and took the leap into the 21st Century of Cooking. I bought a stand mixer (with
the dough hooks) AND a food processor. Yep, I didn't go nuts and get the Kitchen Aid I lust after every time Pioneer Woman posts a pic on her blog, but I'm happy with the Sunbeam. and I
did get both for under $150, so I won't be going into debt (grin).
I promised to make a few cakes for a Church supper tomorrow night, so I am raring to open the boxes and get mixing! I just wanted to take a few minutes and catch up here first.
What's your favorite kitchen 'toy' and what do you make with it? MC

I promised to make a few cakes for a Church supper tomorrow night, so I am raring to open the boxes and get mixing! I just wanted to take a few minutes and catch up here first.
What's your favorite kitchen 'toy' and what do you make with it? MC
food processors,
stand mixers,
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursdays are for......what?
I remember, a long time ago, in college, Thursdays were the unofficial start of the weekend. Everyone tried, and was frequently successful, on not scheduling a Friday class. That waned with graduation, but picked up again during my first job year. On my non-working weekends, I was off Friday and Saturday nights, so we would start on Thursday night. On my working weekends, I rarely went out, so the weekend never really started. LOL. I thought about this tonight, when an impromptu dinner was arranged to celebrate my nephews K successful passing of his drivers license road test. In our state, you have to be 17 to take the road test. His birthday was last week, and today was the first day he could get out of school and go. He did fine. He's a great kid. I really enjoy his company. I picked him up at his house, and he drove the 20 minutes (2 really busy highways, and a bunch of small town connecting roads) to get his older cousin M, and then to dinner. M gamely hopped into the back seat, and let the new driver show his stuff. Having lived through 8 other nieces and nephews obtaining licenses, and offering to drive me places, I barely tensed up as I watched my beloved Honda pull out under someone else's guidance. I think I deserve a zillion Aunt points for not even grimacing at rolling stops.
The best part of the evening was I got to spend a couple of hours with two of the more interesting family members we have, and whos company I truly enjoy. Dinner was good, the company was great, and I think he may be the best driver yet! It made me remember why Thursday nights used to be so good, and such a great start to a weekend. Congrats, K and thanks for the fun! MC
The best part of the evening was I got to spend a couple of hours with two of the more interesting family members we have, and whos company I truly enjoy. Dinner was good, the company was great, and I think he may be the best driver yet! It made me remember why Thursday nights used to be so good, and such a great start to a weekend. Congrats, K and thanks for the fun! MC
new drivers,
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Eating Good Part 2 - New Orleans Shrimp
Here's what else I cooked today.... and I promise, this is not going to turn into an all cooking blog! There are many who do it much better than I can....and I bow to them. I'll just post recipes occasionally, as long as they turned out well, and it's something that falls into line with my DS eating plans.
BBQ in the East means something much different that in New Orleans. Up here, it's grilled meat, and BBQ sauce. In NOLA, it was heaven. Buttery, spicy sauce over perfect shrimp... I tried to recreate it a few times, and this recipe seems to the the easiest at capturing what I remember from my trip.
The recipe is from allrecipes.com. ID # 12853. I morphed it down to make 2 servings, and cooked it all in my cast iron Dutch oven, on top of the stove. I also am new to photographing food, so it actually tastes great, but looks foamy in these pics! Sorry, I'll work on it!
Recipe: Barbecued Shrimp
1/3 cup butter
1/3 cup olice oil
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon ground black pepper
2/3 lemon, sliced
1/8 teaspoon hot pepper sauce
1/8 teaspoon Italian seasoning
1/2 clove garlic
1/8 teaspoon paprika
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 lb large shrimp, peeled and deveined.
Heat butter and olive oil in Dutch oven. Add all flavoring/spices and mix well. Simmer 5 minutes. Add shrimp, stir to coat, and cook covered for 3-4 minutes. Stir and cook until done, (another minute or so...watch the shrimp turn from translucent to white). I serve it hot with the butter sauce. For non-DS'ers, you can add crusty bread to dip in the extra sauce, or some rice... I just eat the shrimp and sauce to stay low carb. Yummy!!!! Another recipe that takes 10 minutes to make,and feeds me several meals. Cleaning the shrimp takes the longest.... but they are worth the few minutes! MC
BBQ in the East means something much different that in New Orleans. Up here, it's grilled meat, and BBQ sauce. In NOLA, it was heaven. Buttery, spicy sauce over perfect shrimp... I tried to recreate it a few times, and this recipe seems to the the easiest at capturing what I remember from my trip.
The recipe is from allrecipes.com. ID # 12853. I morphed it down to make 2 servings, and cooked it all in my cast iron Dutch oven, on top of the stove. I also am new to photographing food, so it actually tastes great, but looks foamy in these pics! Sorry, I'll work on it!
Recipe: Barbecued Shrimp
1/3 cup butter
1/3 cup olice oil
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon ground black pepper
2/3 lemon, sliced
1/8 teaspoon hot pepper sauce
1/8 teaspoon Italian seasoning
1/2 clove garlic
1/8 teaspoon paprika
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 lb large shrimp, peeled and deveined.
Heat butter and olive oil in Dutch oven. Add all flavoring/spices and mix well. Simmer 5 minutes. Add shrimp, stir to coat, and cook covered for 3-4 minutes. Stir and cook until done, (another minute or so...watch the shrimp turn from translucent to white). I serve it hot with the butter sauce. For non-DS'ers, you can add crusty bread to dip in the extra sauce, or some rice... I just eat the shrimp and sauce to stay low carb. Yummy!!!! Another recipe that takes 10 minutes to make,and feeds me several meals. Cleaning the shrimp takes the longest.... but they are worth the few minutes! MC
Eating Good in the Neighborhood!
Today was a drizzly, damp, miserable kinda day. I spent all of it in sweats, an oversize Tshirt, and a fuzzy sweater! I got up, finished a book I'd been reading, made a pot of tea, and came up with a new excuse not to clean! I was hungry, and decided to do some cooking ahead for the week. I made bacon for the week, so I can just grab it and microwave it. I made a big pot of chicken noodle, with double chicken (lotsa protein). Then I whipped out some old recipes, and got cooking!!!!
Here they are! Bouchons au Thon. (tuna corks - because they somewhat look like that)
Here they are! Bouchons au Thon. (tuna corks - because they somewhat look like that)
These are high protein, low carb muffin sized bites of cheesey, tuna and tomato goodness. They also freeze well if wrapped, for up to a month.
Recipe: Bouchons au Thon
6 ounces water packed canned tuna (drained)
1 cup grated or shredded Gruyere cheese
1/3 cup Creme fraiche
3 tablespoons tomato paste
3 large eggs (lightly beaten)
1/4 cup yellow onion, chopped
leaves from 2 or 3 sprigs flat leaf parsley, chopped
1/4 teaspoon salt
Preheat oven to 325F. Spray 8 wells of a muffin tin with non-stick spray. Fork the tuna to break up any pieces larger than a dime. Add the cheese, creme fraiche, tomato paste, eggs, onion, parsley and salt. Stir throughly. Mixture will be pinky-orange. Divide the mixture into the sprayed wells. Fill the empty ones with water to prevent scorching. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until tops and edges are set. Gently pour the water out of the wells. Run a knife around the edges of the Bouchons. Let them sit for 2 or 3 minutes. (They will collapse a bit). Extract them and plate them! Eat warm!
Here's the good part. 2 are a serving. A serving has 235 calories, 14 grams fat, (8 saturated), 4 gm carb, 23 gm protein, 440 mg sodium and 1 gm dietary fiber.
I substituted Kerrygold Castle Cheese (similar to Gouda) because that's what I had in the fridge... I've never substituted sour cream for Creme Fraiche in this, because I think it heats differently! If you try it, let me know.... This far out , I can easily eat 2 or 3 of these with a small salad. For newbies, 1 may be plenty.
Next entry will be the photos of the New Orleans Shrimp! Stay tuned! MC
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Change, Change...anyone got some Change????
I'm still working on my change project.... you know, changing me, for the better. OK, the dating thing...not going so good. I just can't seem to meet anyone under 70... and I gotta draw the line somewhere! BUT... remember the work friend I invited shoe shopping??? What a bonding experience LOL We've decided to go to Italy this year on a vacation. I've always wanted to go, and so did she. We're just in the planning stages. I know I want to see a lot in Rome, and she'd like to see the beaches in Capri, and Tuscany sounds great. Neither of us knows a lot about Italy, or speak a word of Italian, other than Bella! This should be a hoot. I got a guidebook from the library, and a lunch friend got us one... so we have some reading to do. Has anyone reading this been to Italy? What did you like best/least? Would you suggest a tour, or do it yourself trains, or what? I am pretty excited. I've explained the DS'er (duodenal switch) eating, drinking, pooping patterns, and she's seems pretty accepting that we'll be eating on a regular basis... and I'll be pounding down the protein. hmmmm, I wonder if it's TMI for a new travel partner? I'll find out!
Also, I think I've made another new friend. A friend from the professional organization I'm involved in gave my name and number to a woman 2 towns away. She had weight loss surgery, and was nervous and had a bunch of questions. We've spoken on the phone a few times. She just seems so friendly and real, and I love her attitude about her weight loss. We're going to meet for coffee next week, while her daughter is at band practice, and compare WLS stories. I'm really making an effort to meet new people, and try new things, and for some reason, it's working! Who knew?
I've been cooking up a storm, trying recipes from other people's blogs. Some have been great, like Jenna from Duodenal Switchcraft, did a mac and cheese that was phenom.... I did a traditional Italian lasagna with Dreamfirelds Low Carb pasta that was an epic FAIL. The cheesey part turned out gritty and harsh, and I didn't use enough sauce apparently. Of course, this was only apparent AFTER I had baked the whole tray. The pasta was good, so I'm going to try this again (with different sauce and cheese proportions).
I hope I hear from someone with some info about Italy. I'd rather trust a fellow blogger that a guidebook. and thanks for the good thoughts and prayers about my Aunt. I appreciated it. MC
Also, I think I've made another new friend. A friend from the professional organization I'm involved in gave my name and number to a woman 2 towns away. She had weight loss surgery, and was nervous and had a bunch of questions. We've spoken on the phone a few times. She just seems so friendly and real, and I love her attitude about her weight loss. We're going to meet for coffee next week, while her daughter is at band practice, and compare WLS stories. I'm really making an effort to meet new people, and try new things, and for some reason, it's working! Who knew?
I've been cooking up a storm, trying recipes from other people's blogs. Some have been great, like Jenna from Duodenal Switchcraft, did a mac and cheese that was phenom.... I did a traditional Italian lasagna with Dreamfirelds Low Carb pasta that was an epic FAIL. The cheesey part turned out gritty and harsh, and I didn't use enough sauce apparently. Of course, this was only apparent AFTER I had baked the whole tray. The pasta was good, so I'm going to try this again (with different sauce and cheese proportions).
I hope I hear from someone with some info about Italy. I'd rather trust a fellow blogger that a guidebook. and thanks for the good thoughts and prayers about my Aunt. I appreciated it. MC
new friends
Friday, January 8, 2010
January Update
It's been the usual post Holiday madness. I've been trying to catch up with everyone I reach out to, and stay connected to, but really only call during the holidays. There's been dinners, and after work drinks, and I even hosted (hostessed?) a professional organization education dinner for 40. There's not been much time for blogging, and I've missed it (and your comments/messages)! The sad thing is my Aunt P passed away. She was very old, and we spoke frequently. About 2 weeks before she died, she told me she was ready to go, and didn't like how her body was failing her. She had just had to leave her home, due to her fraility, falls, etc, and go into a nursing home. She was terribly unhappy about it, but didn't think she would survive a move to the North to me. She couldn't deal with switching doctors, moving, or even just the long flight and the changes. She knew she was welcome, but she was smarter than me. She knew there wasn't time left for such a change. I will truely miss her. It's been a week, and I still ahven't heard from her children about the 'arrangements'. She had always said she would be cremated, and have her ashes placed back here, up North. I just haven't heard if there will be a service or not. If anyone reading is a prayful person, please say one for Aunt P, and may she rest in peace. She had a long and mostly happy life, and I am richer for having loved her.
One of the more interesting presents I got for this Christmas is an updated copy of Family Tree Maker. I had a long interest in my family history, back in the 90's. I worked off and on for a few years and compiled a history of about 300 relatives. Like so much else in life, I got too busy to keep going, and it got shelved. The computer crashed, and a lot of data was lost. (I had, thankfully, uploaded quite a bit of it to the World Fmaily Tree project, soooo....) When a favorite niece, K. asked for some info a little bit back, it rekindled my interest. I asked for a copy of the program, re-loaded the saved info, and am working on re-creating the data I once had. This may keep me busy during the long, cold winter. (Blush) I haven't forgotten my intention to date more, well, OK, to date even some WOULD be more. I just never got finished with those online dating questions.... there go on and on. I really will finish one of these days.... but if anyone has an extra 45-55 year old, in the NorthEast, please send them my way! Thanks! MC
beloved Aunts,
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