Saturday, December 12, 2009

I'm Excited!

I'm just back from a laundry/dinner/shopping kind of evening.  I went to pick up a few copies of the Pioneer Woman's cookbook because she's doing a meet and greet in NYC tomorrow, and I'm going!  Should be fun!  I wanted to bring my camera, so I had to (finally) upload all the photos on it to my laptop...and it's not my strongest skill.  I had over 200 photos that needed to be sorted and filed.  Whew.  That's done...
   I've always been interested in photography....  Sheesh, was it really a decade ago????,  I had a Pentax SLR that seemed attached to me at all times.  My oldest nephew was married in early December, it seems soooo long ago by now.  I had a bunch of rolls (undeveloped) in the bag, and a half used roll in the camera.  My home was robbed, and everything was taken.  I mean, they unplugged the answering machine and took it.  They left the furniture, and my clothes...but everything else was gone.  I mourned the loss of the family photos, especially of such a joyous occasion.  (Get the tissues ready....)  My next oldest nephew was killed in a train accident that February.  JP was gone. I totally lost interest in restarting my 'hobby'.  It was pointless.  Of course, little by little, point and shoot cameras crept into my life, then a digital, then a slightly better one.  (Tissue time over)   For the past 2 years, I've had some serious digital SLR envy.  This year, I broke down, and bought the Nikon D5000.  Well, not just this year, just a few weeks ago, so I would have it for Thanksgiving, and my glider flight.....  I love it.  I am so happy with this 'new toy'. 

I bought the 2 lens package, and should have gotten another memory card (or two) to keep things organized.  So far, we've done a photo shoot for families at a local nursing home, and have been requested to return on New Years Eve, to photograph other families.  I think I've changed again!  I have another hobby, one I've let go dormant for a decade, but one I love and have missed!  HURRAH for taking a step backwards occasionally.  More posts tomorrow after the book signing!  MC


  1. Congrats on getting a this DSLR! Nikon camera are always my favourite!

  2.'s my first Nikon, glad to hear they're a favorite!


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