Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Plus Size Models! Are you kidding me?

Look at the following group photo. Then look again. Then again.

These are PLUS size models. Granted, they are not the waif like, coat hanger, stick thin, heroin chic models of most magazines, but I scarcely think they are PLUS sized. Do you think anyone of them are more than a size 12? Isn't that the average size of a woman in the USA today? PLUS size to me, means what I looked like. It means obese. It means very very large. These are woman I would be tickled to look like. Smooth skin, no droops, or sags, or age spots in weird places. (Yes, I looked closely).  I think Glamour magazine broke the ice by using models real women can relate to.  I'm glad they did.  I just take exception to the label Plus Sized Models.  What planet do they live on?  (OK, apparently Planet Model).  Anyway, just in case anyone hadn't seen this,  I wanted you to.  I think it's groundbreaking.  The response to the magaize has supposedly been very positive.  Now, I'll have to buy one next month too, just to read the reactions!


  1. These are not Plus Sized models. If these are Plus Size Models what the real plus sized models who are over size 16 called then? Inquiring minds want to know.

  2. I found out i was a szie 16 the summer, we need a cross section, evrything. But I guess fashion will always be fashion, a guppey soup of rubbish


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