Saturday night I went to a baseball game. It's a farm league, and they do all the small town stuff between innings. I realized (after a few minutes) I had been boogeying while on line waiting for my popcorn. The music had snuck into my subconscious.... and I swayed, and snapped my fingers, and moved a little while waiting. I laughed at myself, and didn't think much of it.
After the game, we stopped for a drink, and the radio at the bar had some old songs I recognized. Are you old enough to remember Squeeze? I heard Pulling Mussels from a Shell, and my toes went a tappin'. Then, Come Dancin' by the Kinks. Fueled by two rum and diet cokes (with extra lime), I really had a hard time staying on my seat... (This was NOT a bar with dancing!).
Last night, Sunday, I was trying to get a lot of cooking done, so I can just grab and go during the week. I was making my version of the McDonalds sausage burritos, with low carb tortillas and extra meat and veggies, and the TV was playing in the other room. I started dancing like a fool to Born to Run.... even after I realized it was Jimmy Fallon on the TV Emmy show and not MY Bruce!
I hadn't realized how much I missed dancing, the movement, the rhythms... I was never a good dancer, but I liked it. We used to go out to NYC to the after hour places in Washington Heights in the early '80's, and oh, I loved the music and the guys. Spanish guys were the best dancers there, even the older guys.... and the guys we knew or went with weren't! A friend of ours brother owned a gay bar in NY, and he would let us go there and drink for free. The guys there were all into the music, and grooming, and had style. I knew I was never going to meet anyone there, but the dancing was great! These were some great memories.
At over 400 pounds, dancing was just not an option anymore. I hadn't remembered how much I used to enjoy it, or that I could participate again. Thanks Weight Loss!!!! Another benefit I didn't plan on!