I have a niece, K. I may have mentioned her once, or a thousand times. She's what I would have liked to be, a decade or three ago. She's brilliant, lovely, sweet, and refined. Yep, in a family of not so refined women, she's a beacon. She seldom loses it, never swears, makes obscene gestures, burps the alphabet, gets 'toasted' in public, etc. While I have worked with former soldiers so long, I can swear like a sailor! and drop the F bomb without really thinking about it. I work on NOT doing this, but I fear, sometimes, it's just so, well, um, appropriate. However, K can always get her point across without using a nasty phrase or cursing. Recently, she has clued me in to turning a phrase so I get to voice my opinion, without becoming base. While, formerly, I would have raised an eyebrow, shot a withering glance, and said to a stupid person, "What the F?", K has found a sweet smile, and the comment "What a Bold choice" will suffice. I've been trying this out for a week, and it's hilarious how many situations it covers. I KNOW the person is being stupid, or an ass, but the "Bold Choice" statement leaves them pondering, Is MC being snarky, or real? haha he he I know, but they must guess.
I'm someone who wears their heart on their sleeve, you almost always know what I'm thinking by reading my face, and poker is definitely not my game. I'm earthy, practical, non-threatening, and about as 'real' as they come...... but, I do admire people who have the ability to leave people guessing, to get their point across without bashing them in the head, and have more refinement than I do.... hmmmm, it's never to late to change, right?
What's your personality profile? How do people see you? Can you improve or do you revert to comfortable patterns? Let me know! MC
(photo of a model, not REALLY my K because I don't have her permission to put a photo in, and she's too correct for me to do that to her without asking! (smile))