Monday, May 9, 2011

CHANGE! Be careful what you ask for!

Well, I started grad school in January. I'm working towards a doctorate, and it's a combination of online courses and an 'executive model' schedule. This means we meet monthly for a Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The rest of the class is online, with mandatory posts and readings, and all papers, tests, etc emailed by due dates. It's exciting, and overwhelming, and a mix of a million things at once. I'd never heard of 'turn it in" . com. It's a service where you must submit all your term papers, and written work, and they give it a grade for originality, and check it for plagarism! Who'da thunk it! It take a day or two, so all papers have to be ready BEFORE the teachers deadline. Yep, I'm an old fogey... I didn't know such a site existed! If you use phrases or ideas from previous papers, there's a thing called 'self-plagarism'. You have to be careful not to reuse your own ideas!
Talk about change.... I'm doing homework, and spend almost all my free time reading journal articles. Weeellll, not ALL of my free time. That new guy G from December has hung on, through school and work and all. He's adaptable, and kind and very patient. His birthday was in March, so for a combo Valentines Day and BDay present, I chipped in and got him a Golden Retriever puppy. She's beautiful, and extremely attached to G. He's the alpha dog. I'm only around on weekends, so I'm just a pack mate. She nips my hair, and steals my snacks...but she adores him! Oh well, it keeps him busy when I'm not around! (She also has many Golden traits, like eating furniture and anything not nailed down)... She reminds me of the dog in the movie Marley and me! Maybe she'll be calmer when she's a little older!
Work is first, then school, and G seems OK that he's the weekend guy. I try to make it easier by being the commuter.... I drive to his place, and use the time on the road to decompress and center myself. It's working so far.
The weight has stayed off (mostly). I go up and down within a 10 pound range. When it get high, I really cut back on the carbs, up the protein, and moderate the fats. When it's low, I'm waayyy more flexible with them. I eat more chocolate than I should, and am working on substituting more SF jello for a Hershey bar now and then. Weight loss surgery seems like a life time ago. I'm still faithful (compulsive, almost) about the vitamin supplements, and the yearly labs have been fine. I'm due again soon. I'm going to try to squeeze in a few more home cooking posts, because , well, It's fun!
Changes have happened, mostly good, some scary..... what have you gotten that you wanted? and did it work out for you??? M

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